Permanent Makeup


For your LIPS, your appointment will take anywhere from 2 1/2 to 3 hours. We will discuss the options of lip tint or lipstick effect, color and adjustment of asymmetry. Once the lips have been cleansed, numbing cream/gel is applied topically. After a set time, the numbing is wiped off and the lip tattoo procedure can begin. The pigment(s) colors agreed upon will be delicately tattooed onto the layers of the lips. Numbing will be applied during the procedure. Lips could require additional sessions, depending on the intensity of color desired.  Naturally dark lips are typically not a good candidate, but that will be discussed at consultation.  The more light in color your lips are, the better the results.  We recommend that you bring your own clean lap blanket or you can purchase an “About Face by Stephanie Jane” blanket at the studio. Some people do get cold during the procedure as well as doze off, however we do ask that you try to stay awake to prevent the nodding off “jerks”. Once your beautiful lips are finished, we will explain the healing process, go over your aftercare kit, and discuss any other questions you may have.    



Benefits of Permanent


Never Worry About Reapplying Your Lipstick

Wake Up With Perfectly Applied Lipstick

Enjoy Fuller, Luscious and Younger Looking Lips

My Lip


Lip Liner

Lip Blush

Full Color




Pre Procedure

1 week prior to procedure: If you currently take prescription medications that thin your blood, please contact your physician to see if you can adjust your medication before your procedure. We may need to make creative choices based on your overall health, if that is not possible.

If you are VEGAN or an avid JUICER, please refrain from excessive greens a week before your procedure. Avoid vitamin E and niacin a few days before. (We encourage healthy living however in preparation for your permanent makeup, it will need to be temporarily avoided due to bleeding issues) You will not get the results that you expect with your LIP investment if we are unable to get much color in the skin if the blood is pushing pigment out. You can begin your  healthy lifestyle 24 hours after your procedure.

If you have EVER had a cold sore, you need to premedicate to prevent any cold sore outbreak. Your Dentist or Physician should prescribe Valtrex or Acyclovir to be taken 1 day before and for 5 days following your procedure. (If you prefer to not take this prescription, you can choose to take L-Lysine, 1000mg daily for 3 weeks prior to your lips procedure.) If you have a history of consistent cold sore breakouts, you may combine both methods or consider avoiding this procedure all-together. If you are on thyroid medication you may require additional sessions which will be at an additional cost

THE MORNING OF YOUR PROCEDURE: avoid activities (cardio), beverages (caffeine or alcohol) or over-the-counter medications (NSAIDs, i.e.: Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen) that will cause extra bleeding. Although the skin is a formidable barrier against infections, we will be crossing into the skin to add color. Once we breach that barrier, we want to ensure the skin will heal beautifully. 

Not Recommended

Not Recommended: 

  • Avoid hot spicy, salty or acidic foods for 2 weeks
  • DO NOT expose lips to the full pressure of shower water
  • DO NOT pick, scrub or exfoliate your lips. ALLOW it to flake off on its own.
After Care & Healing

Aftercare & Healing:

  • If desired, apply ice to lips for 10-30 mins. Ice helps swelling and aids in healing
  • If experiencing a cold sore flare up,  apply was warm (almost hot) compress each morning after waking and then apply a cold compress (5-6 times daily) then apply HERPECIN-L 
  • Use the lip care in aftercare kit on lips prior to eating, brushing teeth or applying cold packs
  • Keep lips moist with the included lip care in the aftercare kit the first week. (After the initial peeling, you should continue to lubricate lips with a good quality lip balm)